Children's Ministries
Mission Statement
The Delaware Reformed Church Children's Ministry seeks to provide a loving, safe, and age appropriate environment for the children entrusted to our care and strives to foster the children in the love of God and His church.
Children's Sermon
Sundays during worship
Each week a sermon is geared specifically towards the children and led by a loving volunteer.
Sundays during worship
The nursery exists so parents may know that their little ones birth through 4 years are in a loving environment while they worship. The nursery is staffed by two caring volunteers each week.
Sunday School - Pre-K through Elementary
Sundays at 10:45am - September through May
Children's worship begins with songs and activities at opening exercises. As a large group, we will be focusing on activities to help the children know and understand the Lord's Prayer, then, children will attend classes for 4 different age levels. The classes will be using Scripture Press curriculum which is rooted in the infallible Word of God. Scriptures are revered as God's living and active Word, through which God speaks to us today. Lessons are crafted to help each student know what God is saying to him or her personally, and gladly respond to Him as Savior and Lord.